One of my latest, but also longest running, projects is making homemade bath and shower products made with organic, ecological ingredients and herbs, all natural, with no preservatives other than occasionally added citric acid.

I have been almost overly skeptical towards hard soap bars, thinking they will dry out my already dry skin, or make my hair dry and frizzy but I’ve given it a try and the results have kind of dumbfounded me. They’re not cheap, or at least I haven’t tried any cheap ones, so I am pleased to say that they last longer than normal schampoo and I don’t need to recycle ANY plastics! Win win. A full post on making soap is coming up shortly.
Both my husband Daniel and my son JD have shook their heads at me when I bring in herbs to dry, hanging on racks or flat on treys, to store in glas jars in out pantry. I have pine shoots in the freezer and birch leaves in jars. Nettles, dandelions, rosemary, rose hips, oregano, basil, thyme, marigold, elder flowers, linden, junipers, and much, much, more. I make teas, infusions, salts and oils.
Glass jars all over the pantry, which I made out of the old kitchen cabinets I happened to take down while Daniel was on one of his bearded brother trips. Oops-something-happened-while-you-were-gone type of thing. Always happens when he’s gone on trips. No wonder he always looks hesitant to walk through the door when he comes home. 😉 There is almost always a huge project started for him to (help me) finish.
Anyway, I’ll show you the pantry (and how I tore down the kitchen one weekend to make it) later on. Like I said this is a cottage that is in dire need of so much love and attention. But we’re going to live here until they carry us out so hopefully we’ll have plenty of time.
Every Thursday I have SPA day. Routines are crucial for my healing and wellbeing. SPA day means that I spend a few hours taking care of me. Hair, nails, skin, body and soul, inside and out. Treats like exquisite tea, dark chocolate, wine-olades (half wine – half something else, getting back to that later as well), lit candles, incense, oils and herbs.
Depending on the moment I love to mix my bath salts and oils right before I jump in, to get the exact right feeling, and scent. This is also a great way to make little gifts if I know someone is feeling a little under the weather. A bag of some nice tea and a little baggie or jar of bath salts, oils and herbs. Perhaps a home made candle and piece of chocolate? Who wouldn’t feel better?
Speaking of, or apropå julmust as my colleague says, I am now reading a really good ”feel good” book and I think that too is helping when spirits are low.

Tonight was Daniel’s night of the blues, due to a hurting shoulder, so I made him a nice bath salt with both Dead Sea salt and epsom salt, rosemary infused oil, eucalyptus and orange essential oils, and some dried orange slices.
It smells vibrant, and citrusy fresh. Easy way to feel a little better.
Lots of love and good vibes,